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Intentional Celebration



Awa Oasia (formerly The Springs)

There will be cozy locations for community to connect and dive deep with each other.
Fire spinning is allowed.


We are blessed to have a photo booth brought by Curious Josh

The Dreambox is here!

There will be massage tables that people may use.

We are offering a cacao ceremony, tea ceremony, tarot readings, energy healings, and other little nooks endowing unique experiences in this beautiful gathering.

What to bring:
  • A drinking vessel if you are planning on hydrating (we recommend that you do :) 

  • A pillow to sit on. There will be several moments throughout the night either planned or unplanned where you will need/want this.

  • White clothes (accents of gold) for the midnight if you want to join us in this tradition (it is not required)! Outfit changes if your heart pulls you in that direction.

  • A Pen to fill out your intention journal with.

  • If you plan on napping at any time half of the intimate sexy room will be split to allow for people to bring their own bedding things, or just drop off their personal items. 

Driving, and parking:

We highly suggest that you plan to lyft or uber that night. There is some parking but the location next door is likely having an event as well so it may be very limited.

Please be courteous to our neighbors and to those you park around. 

Be mindful

You must be aware of your footprint, and the way you interact within the spaces we share (i.e. your trash, your personal items, your physical/energetic presence, etc.)​

  • Please introduce yourself to people that you do not know!

  • Be intentional with what inebriant(s) you partake in. We invite you to choose a different route then the usual "Let's get wasted drunk" NYE. We are not serving alcohol during the event for this reason.

  • Picking up after yourself is a given. Please also help to keep the spaces clean even if you had no participation in making them untidy. There will not be designated cleaners picking up after us during the party, so it is up to us to keep our areas beautiful.

  • Affinity is a sex-positive community, though this event is not a "sex party." To accommodate our friends' personal proclivities, we may have a designated room for these activities that is labeled.

  • Noise levels outdoors should be kept to a minimum to help us enjoy the night away.

  • You are welcome to bring a vape pen, which you can use indoors. Smoking of cigarettes and cannabis is only permitted outside. Considering the fires this year, it is imperative that you only ash in the bucket provided. It will also keep the walking area clean.

  • Please me mindful of how the smell of smoke clings to an outfit and consider designating a jacket for smoking so we can enjoy your fresh scent when you return to the party. Please also concider washing your hands afterward. :)

I see people dressed in white in past NYE photos. Is that suggested or required?

It is not required, although it is encouraged. 

Our dear Affinity member and social media lead, Gisele, is from Brazil, where they always wear white for New Year's Eve. According to Gisele, this tradition came from Africa through the Candomblé Religion. It represents "spiritual purification". They would go to the beach in Rio dressed in white and offer roses to Yemaya, the queen of ocean.

The tradition was adopted by everybody else because white for Brazilians also represents harmony, serenity and peace. We've decided to adopt this tradition for ourselves to symbolize our desires to the new year, our community love, and our intentional celebration.

Can I invite someone?
  • Can I invite someone?

Yes, if we forgot your lover or your bestie, but keep in mind this is a low cap family gathering and not everyone we know and love got invited. There is a protocol. DO NOT just bring someone to the event without following all steps below (even if they have purchased a ticket). They will be turned away.


If you want to bring someone who is not already invited send Lily Bouncy, V Nixie, or Daniellow a message to request this person get added to this Facebook event.

These are the things to consider: "Here are our community rules, do you feel that they will be able to abide by them and feel comfortable with them?"

  1. You must be comfortable with the presence of nudity (no gawking, staring, or commenting)

  2. You must assert good self-governance, moderation, and consciousness if you choose to consume any inebriants

  3. You must be aware of your footprint and the way you interact within the spaces we share (i.e. your trash, your personal items, your physical/energetic presence, etc.)

  4. You must be prepared to participate or contribute on some level.

If you are not sure, then maybe a better event for them might be one of our fundraisers, a public event, a dinner/game gathering, or an event that isn't run by us but has a lot of us there with a similar vibe. We want exuberant Yes's!

You are responsible for this new amazing person who you invite. That means it's up to you to inform them of these rules. To introduce them to people. To create a smooth transition so that we never have to ask "who invited this person who is causing a problem?" Instead we say "Welcome! You're marvelous! We're so happy that you got invited by *said person*"

  • We request that if you bring a new person that they participate in the connection games starting at 9pm. This is the best way for new people to create connection and ease into the community so that we all feel kinship, or an "affinity" for another. As the doors close for them everyone needs to be there for them anyways.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in creating a safe container for all involved.

***Be aware we have a small cap, plus ones will be limited.***


**5pm Doors Open

**6pm Dinner is served, catered (dinner tickets are final)

**8:30pm Doors open for those not eating dinner

**9:30 Doors Close for group connections and intention setting.

These connection moments are guided conversations that help to create closeness with the whole party--they are surprising windows into authentic experiences that create greater closeness with both people you know well and complete strangers. This is followed by a group launch to take us in to the next morning (we are not providing the sacrament--come prepared). The doors do not open again until the morning. (Of course, people can leave! We just don't take anyone new after 9:30)

**11:15pm Group Launch! Join us in whatever way makes you feel alive as we prepare for the midnight candlelight ceremony

**11:50pm Candle light intention ceremony 

**MIDNIGHT Group celebration!

**12:05am DJs until Morning!

© 2019 Affinity tribe

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